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Corrosion and material engineering news and events

Galveston 2019 - Cescor at Topsides Exhibition

galveston evento Topsides Exhibition Cescor

The Topsides exhibition in Galveston, USA has ended last week; we discussed cathodic protection retrofitting of platforms and we should like to thank all our visitors, along with a special thanks to Chet Morrison Contractors, LLC for hosting Cescor at their stand.

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Renewable energy - Cescor join the Cluster LE2C

energy cluster

Cescor faces the world of renewable energy by joining the Cluster LE2C (Lombardy Energy CLEANTECH CLUSTER), which today represents the Lombard energy and environment production system. Among the ongoing projects, Cescor follows NeSSIE (North Sea Solutions Innovation in Corrosion for Energy) which is a project which provides for the participation of companies operating in the offshore sector with innovative state-of-the-art anti-corrosion solutions.

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Corrosion engineering, cathodic protection, inspections
Corrosion engineering, cathodic protection, inspections

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